Angelus of Lucifer

Angelus of Lucifer


Appalachian Moon

Secretive Paranormal Projects

  Appalachian Moon

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Appalachian Moon is an exciting thriller about the famous railroad photographer, "O. Winston Link" and his secretive projects under the guise of photographing Steam Engines.

I theorize that he was conducting many experiments concerning Aliens & UFOs as he wandered through the Appalachians in the 1940s for a covert intelligence agency.

I base my theories on evidence that I have found in the estate of Elizabeth Tanner as well as my own personal investigations.

There is evidence that he did indeed do work for the Federal Government but was not enlisted in any branch of our Military.

His railroad photos sat on boxes for years unnoticed by anyone until he married Conchita Mendoza who was highly skilled in clerical work. The two of them dug out all of the old materials and made a series of books which resulted in the fame of O. Winston Link as one of the most sought-after photographers in the world.

His work drew the attention of collectors worldwide; thus many museums have developed a collection and established galleries over his work. His original gelatin prints sell for thousands and his negatives are even moreso valuable.

But there's an eerie side to all of the materials, and to Link himself.

The mysteries of his negatives were what actually seemed to be the most unexplained interests of a certain, specific group of collectors. Those negatives were not merely negatives of photos, they held more valuable information and were not common negative materials, rather a type of x-ray material.

The exaggerated stories of his second wife, Conchita Mendoza and her imprisonment are outrageous, she had created the business and Link was her husband, by law, she had every right to the work. It was the Linkster  crew who lobbied against her when they realized how valuable the work was 30 years later and perhaps that she knew of the secretive projects. This was simply a means to silence her and to get her out of the estate that she had established.

The fact that Conway Link grew up thinking that his father Winston Link was his Uncle has us quite skeeved, this points to MK Ultra men in black conspiracies. 

Mysteriously, in 2001, Winston Link was found dead in his car outside of a train station in Katohah, New York, the news was somber and silent. No conspiracies, no foul play and no history of heart problems. There was no autopsy and minimal news of the mysterious incident. 

Without a doubt, there is much more to what Conchita Mendoza knew. Before the accusations against her, much of Link's work had been heisted, the photos stolen were those of an old military base in New York, that seemed to bother him a great deal. The myteries of that base are on the paranormal level of Montauk military base that Al Beliek spoke of.

Link had coined a process of lighting that nobody had ever used in photography, at least this is how he explained the strange processes that he used in the midst of the night to on lookers, he had an extreme amount of equipment with many small lights that looked more like satilite dishes than lighting for photos. 

I have an interest in writing on this story because it is a personal one, it involves my Aunt Elizabeth Tanner who was a director in radio, television and fashion in the early years of it all.

Winston Link was her photographer when he was struggling for work as he also traveled and made all of those early photographs of the steam engines that have swooned the world of collectors.

I believe that Mendoza discovered the secrets of Link's work and was then framed by the Cosmic Intelligence Agency which, in reality is a type of Cosmic Mobster Mafiosos guarding the gates of the Cosmos. 

I can place Link, Elizabeth and Dorothy Kilgallen in Roswell and area 51 with photos and letters from sheep ranchers.

I have no doubt that the materials that I have are related to shapeshifting and also prove that he was involved in UFO research of some type, Roswell and perhaps even episodes more frightful than I care to disclose at this point.

O. Winston Link's Video Documentary--


Link's Scientific Experiments- 

A very interesting and curious video above about Link's experiments and research for merely being a photographer, the video shows him with some very unusual equipment that he designed himself.

At 4:51 frame, we see what appears to be Silos next to the railway, I'm not sure where this was to know if it is grain silos or military.

The experiments that he was conducting seemed so scientific, much like experiments with aerodynamics of wind-tunnel technology. 

Scientist Developing Films

Scientist Developing Films

Alien Photography

 Scientists Developing Alien Photos

The secretive Projects of Photographer, "O. Winston Link", alien beings and technology.

These photos are from the same rolls as O. Winston Link's negatives that were in the files of the American Wool Bureau that were stored for over 70 years in the files of Elizabeth Tanner. 

Secret Cabin In the Appalachians

The secretive projects of photographing alien technology in the Appalachians, time travel and UFO projects on the Sheep Ranches involved the American Wool Council & photographer, O. Winston Link.

As he traveled through the mountains, he was photographing more than just steam engines...

Spooky Andy Warhol Letter, 1957

1957 Letter from Andy Warhol to Elizabeth Tanner reveals that he was spooked about discovering that things weren't all that they had seemed.

I had 3 pages of this letter revealing the concerns of Andy Warhol, a friend of Elizabeth Tanner.

Eerie fashion sketches by Andy Warhol may have been secret messages about aliens to Elizabeth, the sketches reveal unusual looking models and attire. 

Elizabeth was a Director in New York for Radio and Television Broadcasting and in the fashion industry, she knew every major fashion sketch artist, designer and celebrity. 

In her earlier years she worked for the New York Times as a journalist with Dorothy Kilgallen. Below is a postcard from Dorothy speaking of the "Spy Report". 

Paramount Pictures encouraged Elizabeth to hire Edith Head as her fashion artist. Below is a photo from famous designer Edith Head's portfolio.

Elizabeth lived many years at the New York Waldorf Astoria, she also owned the apartment building next to Beekman Tower at 400 East 50th in New York.

Who knows who heisted that property...all I recieved as an inheritance from her was the remnances of her 70 years of a plundered estate, but, it may be the best part of it, a treasure trove of vital information that may very well solve many Hollywood mysteries.

Designer & Sketch Artist, Edith HeadAndy Warhol Fashion SketchMysterious Andy Warhol Sketches

The fashion sketches by Andy Warhol were also in the files of Elizabeth's with the letters from Andy Warhol.

These unusual sketches may reveal what Andy Warhol was encountering in Florida when he stayed at the Langford Hotel.

In Warhol's letter he expressed he was there on business, but things were all that they seemed. 

This strange sketch seems as if the subject has wings, the designs of the materials of the clothing appears Scottish with the obscure shaped head, a tall stature and oblong features. 

The second sketch by Warhol shows a very thin, tall subject with polka dots on the designs, with the same oblong head structure as well. 

Paramount Pictures, EDITH HEAD 


Edith Head Interview LINK

Edith Head & Co., Hollywood Film Fashion

The Elizabeth Tanner CollectionDorothy Kilgallen PostCard, 1954

The 1954 postcard from Dorothy Kilgallen to Elizabeth Tanner.

Interestingly, Dorothy's handwritting resembles that of the threatening letters sent to Elizabeth under the name "Millicent Stoltz". 

There are a series of letters with such threats of demands for transcripts, scripts, written literature and other demands by various individuals.

Dorothy Kilgallen was murdered in a similar fashion as her friend Marilyn Monroe, many people didn't realise that they were very close friends.

Kilgallen was the only journalist to interview Jack Ruby and Oswald in the JKF incident, she was also working on a UFO story in England. 

Below are the envelopes in question as to who the author is.

Scientist Developing Alien Films

Scientist Developing Alien Films

Secretive Projects

Scientist developing films.

CBS Antagonist

 No Weaving Spiders Enter Here

Shakespeare said it best....

Several series of letters from various colleagues, celebrities and rivals were very exciting to behold, that is until I began placing them in order, categorizing each character and becoming familiar with each role they played in Elizabeth's fascinating life.

The worst was artist Margaret Frances Hamilton, aka HAM, whom was a courtroom artist in Memphis, an admitted practitioner of the craft of witchery and a thorn in Elizabeth's side...

Sorting through the remnants of her plundered mess of an estate was quite confusing, for nothing seemed to correlate to the supposed aristrocratic life that I knew she had lived in New York, something was awry, something just not right...I kept digging around, the more I found, the angrier I became.

Sifting through piles of letters and innuendos, I could hardly believe the arrogance and nerve of those characters who had authored such letters and demands not only upon my beloved Elizabeth, but my grandfather as well. The letters seemed more mysterious, and my anger increasingly disturbing.

There were however, many, many piles and boxes of beautiful notes and cards from celebrities thanking Elizabeth and praising her. Various celebrity autographs and photos with loving mementos and well wishes, then, I find another from Ham, oh, how I learned to despise her.

With each letter that I opened from her, I grew increasingly spiteful of her. It was like piecing together an old silent film soap opera, hating some characters whilst admiring others.

I had enough letters that I could have created a series that lasted years....

Evidently, the perpetrators and their wicked crew knew that too, they also knew that I held key evidence against them all. 

Mobsters, Kidnappings & the New York Stork Club

Mysterious Photo-

This photo of Elizabeth really frightened me, the man standing over her I have identified as the same man in the photos of her and 3 men having wine.

The first man in the wine photo is a radio host, unidentified, the two other men apparently looking like mobsters is indeed this man standing over Elizabeth in this photo, I've named him Luigi...

The scene is of a secluded area and dried-up river bed or creek with a wharf that Elizabeth is tied to.

Mystery of the Photo Location-

This terrain looks very similar to the Pemigewasset River in Lincoln, New Hampshire where Betty & Barney Hill witnessed a UFO in 1961.

I researched this location for 6 years, when I found this location and realized it was near the Betty & Barney UFO incident, I was so excited.

I contacted the website and photographer, he verified that it did indeed look like the same location. Imagine, 70 years later finding this location, it was amazing researching this. 

LINK-River in Lincoln, New Hampshire

LINK- Betty & Barbey Hill UFO Encounter

At first, I thought they may have been filming, but a closer look reveals it is a photo of perhaps a kidnapping and ransom demands. I found letters that support this theory.

Elizabeth always sported the finest designer fashions, her clothing in this photo is definitely not her own.

I would presume this photo is from the late 1940s when she first moved to New York or perhaps while she was still in college. I have identified this by other photos of her hair styles and age.

When New York Stork Club Owner, Sherman Billingsley was kidnapped, Dorothy Kilgallen was traveling to England investigating the UFO incident there. 

Times were fast and Mobsters were tough, but it's seeming more like a Cosmic Conspiracy from out of this world considering what was really going on....


 Strickland Story, Dallas, Texas, 1964

Another UFO story of a couple is in my book, "Luciferin of Angelus".

The Strickland couple's story is similar, even from the type of vehicle they were driving, a 1957 Chevrolet to them travelling at night.

I am convinced the fins on the car or something on the vehicles are attracting the UFOs to give chase. 

Visit my, "Angelus of Lucifer" website for the full story


Elizabeth & Chow Chow

Book, "Ghosts Of An Unwritten Script",

Throughout the massive amounts of materials I had, there were many various series of letters, cards and photos from 70 years of an iconic, yet mysteriously unknown Director, Elizabeth Tanner. 

If you look closely, you can see a man who looks like Oswald at the end of the cafe' bar. These series of photos were developed in 1963, taken in Dallas, Texas. 

Why Elizabeth's identity was kept so secretive still remains a mystery to me, she knew everyone in the entertainment industry, famous designers, fashion sketch artists, film producers, Presidents and basically knew "Who was Who" in the elitest world of billionaires. 

Elizabeth's best pal was her pet, Chow-Chow, who took frequent trips in limousines, cruises and trips between Dallas and New York. Most all of the letters from my grandfather, he always mentions Chow-Chow. It began to become apparent they may have been covertly speaking of an unknown person...

When I met with Conway Link, O. Winston Link's son, he seemed to be aware that Elizabeth had vanished back in the 1970s, yet he seemed mystified for the reasons, showing me files from his father's file that he had on Elizabeth to prove to me that he had known her. 

It must not have been a very respectful story because Conway Link displayed very little regard for me, my Aunt or her estate.

Throughout my investigations into the Winston Link estate, I found so many stories about Conway Link's strange childhood that indicated he may have been a victim of MK Ultra. He didn't know his Father whom posed as his Uncle, then the stories get stranger and stranger about the estate.

Stories of Winston Link being held prisoner in a basement to Conchita stealing her own property sounded more like she had found cosmic information about the truth of Link's experimental research on UFOs and Alien entities.

Ted Dealey of the Dealey Plaza Legacy

Ted Dealey owned the Dallas Morning News of which my Grandfather, Frank Baskerville Tanner had worked for as a Typographer, Printer and Writer in the 1930s-60s in Dallas, Texas.

The famous Dealey Plaza was named in honor of his Family and their legacy. 

The addition of this information may seem irrelevant, but the connections later in these stories will link it all together with various details.

The connections to the JFK incident and the fact that Ted Dealey loathed JKF seemed to not mesh with that of a prominent journalist. Over the years, I've had my own ideas of the connections to Dealey Plaza and JFK. 

AWRT, American Women In Radio & Television Event

Elizabeth Tanner, Jo Foxworth and other members of the AWRT.

Jo Foxworth was another crafty character in Elizabeth's life. Elizabeth had attended Columbia University but had kept in touch with her Sorority sisters of the Missisippi College that seemed to haunt her career in New York, everyone was demanding materials from her. 

In the 1970s, Jo Foxworth claims that she authored the book, "Boss Lady", I'm claiming that I have evidence that Elizabeth wrote the book and was never accredited or paid. I also have evidence that the thefts were going on for years, even in Elizabeth's old age, she told me that she was still editing and writing. 

My theories are that the entire group of thieves consisted of her sorority sisters from college and others as well. I have series after series of evidence of the threats and demands. 

Visit Luciferin of Angelus, another story connected to Appalachian Moon.

Book, Luciferin of Angelus LINK

Mademoiselle & Co.

Dallas, Texas

Other Links:

Mark Shaw Books & Youtube Channel

JFK & Dorothy Kilgallen

Mademoiselle & Co., Copyrights 2015

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Cosmic Models

Cosmic Models

Cosmic Models

  Appalachian Moon & The UFO Cosmos

Appalachian Moon uncovers secretive projects of UFO & Alien experiments conducted by photographer "O. Winston Link" as he traveled through the Appalachians photographing the Steam Engines as they roared through the mountains of the sleepy little villages in the midst of the night.

These photographs of Cosmic Models are rare, never even seen by Link's Son, Conway Link until I revealed them to him as I investigated his Father's connections to the American Wool Bureau.

Link's fame is of the photographs that he took in the 1940-1950s of the steam engines, those photos were stored for years until his new wife, Conchita Mendoza created books from the photos.

There was little information of Winston Link's days of working for the Wool Bureau, or of these photographs. These photos are from the files and Estate of Director, Elizabeth Tanner, my Aunt. 

Upon meeting with Conway Link in Shreveport, he demanded the photos, claiming that they were his father's copyrighted materials. These photos are my property, given to me by the executor of the estate of Elizabeth Tanner.

As a courtesy to Link's Father, I allowed Link to borrow my books of the photographs, making it clear to him that I own the copyrights and the photos.

Mysterious things began to happen after those 2015 meetings....

Cosmic Models, rare "O. Winston Link photographs.

These Cosmic Models seem more like Steamy Time Traveling Models from Star Trek...

These models are unidentified, Conway Link should have had a file on these photographs, if he did, he would not disclose the information.

He did authenticate them from the markings on the back of the photos as being from his father.

Curiously, Conway Link's Studio in Shreveport is named, Gallery 1800, all of the photos that I had with OWL logos were marked in the 1800s categories by O. Winston Link with his OWL Logo stamped from OWL Productions in the 1940s. 

How could Winston Link not have any files on these models, yet Conway Link was able to identify them is the question. It seems that they were covering up the identities of these models.

Cosmic Models

The American Wool Bureau's rare Cosmic Models Photographed by O. Winston Link OWL Productions, "O. Winston Link"

"O. Winston Link" Owl Productions

You can view his rare OWL Symbol he stamped on the back of all of his original prints. 

Link was worked under the direction of Elizabeth Tanner during the time he was also taking photos of the steam engines which would not become marketable or famous for years to come.

His letters to Elizabeth Tanner, the Director of Fashion for the American Wool Council. These fashion shows were to promote woolen products worldwide for the wool industry. 

Link and Elizabeth's fashion crew took crusie ships to the Bahamas for promotional films and photo sessions. The photo below is at Emerald beach Hotel where he is seen filming. 

Cosmic Models & The Sheep Ranches

 Mysterious Cosmic Models 

These are models that came from the files of O. Winston Link, their identities are unknown. They are marked with his markings that were authenticated by his son Conway Link. 

The eerie scenes in many of the photos are staging the models in very peculiar poses, the most elusive and curious is the one in an area that looks much like Hyde Park in Los Angeles where the Black Dahlia was found.

There were many letters from the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles to Elizabeth, seemingly taunting her to come visit...that is where Robert Kennedy was assassinated.

Book, "Boss Lady"

Jo Foxworth claims to have authored this book, but I have letters from Foxworth demanding materials from writer- Producer Elizabeth Tanner.

Rudy's Rail, New York, 1944

Rudy's Rail, New York, 1944

Rudy's Rail, New York, 1944

Elizabeth Tanner, Rudy's Rail in New York. 

I suspect the man may be the wigless Andy Warhol who was her sketch artist and friend. 

Hollywood Celebrities & The New York Stork Club

The New York Stork Club was the famous haunt of many Hollywood legends, writers and celebrities, but what did they all know about the paranormal activities of UFOs and aliens?

Even the Beatles John Lennon claimed that he saw UFOs in New York.

The New York Stork Club was a favorite haunt for aliens....

O. Winston Link Productions

Link's crew filming at the New York Stork Club

Lucille Ball, New York Stork Club & Aliens

I'm still trying to identify these shapeshifters at the New York Stork Club shaking hands with Lucille Ball.

Look closely in the mirror at the woman's neck. Below are close ups, I have many photos proving alien shapeshifting that O. Winston Link had photographed.

During this time, Lucille Ball was falsely being accused of communistic activities by the Hollywood Blacklist.

Elizabeth and Lucille Ball were big rivals, I once asked Aunt Elizabeth why this was, she said she had bigger parties and wealthier friends than Lucille Ball had.

Alien Shapeshifter New York Stork Club

This close up reveals the shapeshifting of the Aliens haunting the New York Stork Club.

These photos were stored at my Grandparents home for nearly 70 years, they are from the files of Director, Elizabeth Tanner and O. Winston Link who was paid by the American Wool Bureau as their photographer. These are originals, untouched photographs.

Rare OWL Negatives Reveals Alien Technology

The mysterious tales of O. Winston Link and of his rare, priceless negatives reveal why collectors pay thousands for the negatives. 

In this photo, you can see it is more like an X-Ray than merely a negative. These original negatives were not of regular negative films, they were stored on X-Ray films.

I was followed for over 2 years; my vintage camper was stolen that contained these priceless and rare photos and films. 

My investigations into the stories of OWL Productions and O. Winston Link have revealed that he was indeed working for a covert intelligence agency on these secretive projects.

1950s New Mexico Sheep Ranch, UFO Watchers

The American Wool Bureau dealt with many Sheep Ranches throughout the world. Director Elizabeth Tanner frequently went to Roswell New Mexico for work with the Wool industry, she was the fashion director.

These photos were also stolen in my vintage camper in 2016 in Pritchard, Alabama. 

Below is a letter from the Stork Club owner, Sherman Billingsley to Elizabeth Tanner.

New York Stork Club

Elizabeth Tanner, New York Stork Club, 1940s

BOSS LADY- The Estate of Elizabeth Tanner

BOSS LADY- The Estate of Elizabeth Tanner

Boss Lady- The Estate of Elizabeth Tanner

Boss Lady, The Elizabeth Tanner Collection

from the Estate of Elizabeth Tanner

Karen Jean Tanner